How To Earn ₦168,000 Daily


I am so glad that you are open-minded enough to take a look at this multi-million naira opportunity in the biggest industry in the world. I want you to do yourself a huge favor, don’t make any decision yet until you have gone through the whole information laid out here OK?

It will take you about 15 mins to go through it, after which you will make a sound business decision.

Before We Hit The Ground Running, I Would Love To Make Something Very Clear To You…

The business opportunity I am about to introduce to you is not a get-rich-quick scheme, but with hard work, honesty and dedication, your financial breakthrough is guaranteed! On this page, I shall be opening your eyes to some super amazing platforms and opportunities to make crazy money. I am sure you can’t wait to hear it! Trust me, you will never be disappointed.

After several years of being on the internet, I have realized 3 vital ingredients for success in life… these 3 things work hand-in-hand and they are;

1. God (The Ultimate)

2. Who do you know

3. What do you have to offer

These three things are vital… without them, you cannot enjoy life to the fullest… However, for the purpose of this discussion, I would leave out the first and focus on the last 2 which are;

Who you know and what you have to offer.

There Is No True Wealth That Can Ride Without Being Built About People

  • Banks need people to come to drop off their money
  • Network providers rely on people to subscribe to their Network platform
  • The food seller in your area needs people to come to buy food from him/her
  • Apple and Samsung go to loggerheads to ensure people patronize them and buy their products.
  • As a matter of fact, where you work now, you are directly or indirectly helping your company get more people or organizations to patronize them or subscribe to the various services or products they offer.

This makes me arrive at this conclusion,


Knowledge about this fact makes me scoff at people that say “I don’t know how to talk to people” or you know Nigeria people don’t like network marketing”

Yet, Nigeria ranks highest on all major Networking platforms in terms of nos of Participants. So where are the people from? Now having established this, let’s move to more pressing issues…What you have to offer

Do you know that you cannot rise above the level of information you are exposed to per time?


Let me break it down for you now

In a world where information is quadrupling every second, and man is finding newer and more effective ways to do things without stress; For example…

There is now a machine that slices tomatoes and onions
There is now a simpler knife-sharpening tool
There is now self-service banking if you want to avoid long queues
And come to think of it, there is even an easier way to POUND YAM!!!.
Yet, there are some people who don’t know this because they are not exposed to it!

Likewise, there is an easy way to make an additional source of income whether you want to be involved part-time or full time and of course, does not jeopardize what you are currently doing right now.


Alliance in Motion Global is the leading multilevel marketing company in the world with a physical presence in over 13 countries of world. Alliance in Motion Global has changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.


AIM GLOBAL gives you a business opportunity you can do from your home, and become a millionaire (accumulating at least ₦14 Million Naira) in 12 months.

  • A Leverage Business
  • A Risk-Free Business
  • A Home Based Business
  • A Relationship Business
  • You Choose Your Own Hours Of Work
  • You Are Your Own Boss
  • Your payment will be every day and it increases exponentially
  • No Compulsory Selling Of Products
  • Overseas Trip Opportunity


Alliance in Motion Global has lines of Health Food and beverage products that are exclusive, consumable, and affordable, and they are effectively solving the health problems of the people.

AIM Global products manufactured by NATURES WAY USA, are the sure solution to all the degenerative effects of free radicals in the human system.

AIM Global products are not Conventional drugs that have so many side effects, they are NATURA-CEUTICALS, NEXT GENERATION NUTRITIONAL FOOD PRODUCTS for Cellular Protection, Cellular Immunity, Cellular Energizer, Cellular Nourishment, Cellular Support, Cardio Protection, And Cancer Protection.

Our Products remedy the following ailments below;

  • Cancer of Any Origin
  • Infertility Problem
  • Low Sperm Count
  • Poor Erection
  • Diabetes
  • Parkinson Disease
  • High Blood Pressure
  • High Cholesterol
  • Arthritis and Rheumatism
  • Heart Attack
  • Unhealthy Pregnancy
  • Low IQ
  • Fibroid
  • Early Menopause
  • Prostate Infection
  • Chronic Dry Cough
  • Aging Disease ETC

Great Testimonies have emerged from hundreds and thousands of people on daily basis, and they share the awesome miracles God does through Alliance in Motion Global Products. Our purpose in this business is to solve the health problems of the people, and Aim Global has been creating great millionaires in the process.

We have FOOD PRODUCTS made from NATURAL FRUITS AND VEGETABLES to give you a longer and healthier life.

The use of Nanotechnology makes our products ever-fresh any time you take them. The technology protects the active components of our products and deposits them at the cell units where they are needed.

Nanotechnology compresses about 22,000 Phyto-nutrients in our products and 140 components into 1 capsule of our products.


Take charge of your income future, and start your business in AIM Global with just ₦79,990.

STEP 1 PROCESS: Pay your ₦79,990 into any of the company’s accounts.

1) Access Bank


Account Number: 0702956119


2) Zenith Bank


Account Number: 1219409480

STEP 2 PROCESS: SNAP THE TELLER RECEIPT, after your bank transaction. send me a clear copy of your snap teller receipt or screenshot online bank transfer Via WhatsApp At +2348100112980 or Email: at [email protected] be sure to notify us of payments, then I will verify your payment to the office as a confirmation that you already transferred or deposited the membership payment into their bank account.

STEP 3 PROCESS: Call our representatives at +2348100112980,  we’ll help you to pick up your starter kit and also do your online registration. Please don’t give your teller or ask any other person for help.

Don’t listen to anyone that may want to sweet talk you to join his or her team, they are the hawks in this business, if you fall into their trap you will regret it. Please make sure you call us for proper guidance and registration OK?


This is something very amazing about AIM Global. If you pay ₦79,990 to start your business, AIM Global will give you a business starter pack that will contain all the wonderful products of the company with a monetary worth of more than ₦79,990 – which is more than the amount you paid.

You are not mandated to sell the products (optional), you may share some with your family and friends, and use some of them yourself in order to get your personal testimonies that will keep you going in this business. AIM Global also provides 2 – WAYS OF INCOME IN THIS BUSINESS.

N.B: We will give you all the necessary help you will need to succeed in this business.


Your work is simple; just open your line of network. It is like opening your business every day to sell and make money. But here in our business, your presence is not required to drive it.

What do I really mean? ……..Tell your friends about the Business.

In fact, there are millions of people out there that are looking for a great opportunity like this. Think about our jobless graduates.

Think about numerous people that hate their jobs. Think about those that want financial freedom, those that want good retirement, and those that want more out of life.

All you need to do is to connect them to this business.

I have seen a lot of young people below 30 years making money in excess of ₦500,000 and ₦1,000,000 extra income from the comfort of their homes, in our business.

I know what you are thinking now……… “But How can I tell my friends about this business”- I don’t always have time. I cannot talk to people etc.

That’s ok. Everything has been worked out for you. Bankers are doing our business. Entrepreneurs, Teachers, Doctors, Engineers, Students, Pastors, and even Bishops; all are doing our business and they are succeeding in it.

We have also designed a system that will help you to tell your friends about this business without saying a word. Let me ask you… who is talking to you right now about this opportunity?

Do you know that up to 1,000 persons can be taking a look at this opportunity at the same time without anyone saying a word to them?

All you have to do is to copy this LINK and send this WEBSITE LINK to your friends through Facebook, Whatsapp, BBM, Twitter, Text messages, etc.

We also have a PRESENTATION VIDEO (HEALTH AND FREEDOM VIDEO) that lays out all the information about the business in just 50 mins; you can give it out to your friends. You can order the Health and Freedom Video from any of the AIM Global corporate offices around Nigeria.



RETAILING (Optional)

Even though not everybody is interested in this business method, the truth is it will help you to solve the health problems of the people and earn money in the process.

In AIM Global, buying products is not compulsory but it is necessary because AIM Global gives you between 25% and 100% retail profit on every product you order and give out.

There are many people in our business that makes a retail profit of between ₦300,000 to ₦500,000 on monthly basis, by using AIM Global products to solve the health problems of the people.

ALLIANCE IN MOTION GLOBAL works with a very lucrative compensation plan called the HYBRID BINARY SYSTEM where you have LEFT AND RIGHT BUSINESS CENTERS.

The binary system allows you to refer at least 2 ACTIVE people you know to this business and then you will be on your pathway to FINANCIAL PROSPERITY. Anybody that joins our business is expected to refer at least 2 ACTIVE friends to this business – Just 2 friends.


Get paid again and again as your team members succeed in the business. Just like I told you, your job in this business is very simple – Tell your friends about it with our video tool or share this link and Save Your Self Stress, Time, Energy, and Money. This is what makes our business different, we talk less and share more.

Now here is how the business works. For any person you personally refer to this business, you will earn the referral bonus attached to the account the person picked at the point of his or her registration.

The Registration Packages and their Direct Referral Bonus are listed below.

1) EntriVerse Package ₦20,000

2) NeoVerse Package ₦30,000

3) TechnoVerse Package ₦50,000

4) DigiVerse Package ₦100,000

5) MegaVerse Package ₦150,000

The Matching Sales Bonus now depends on the kind of package that your downlines join with on your left and on your right.

Plus, your matching bonus can be higher or less depending on the points you have on any of your strong legs.

Strong leg means any of your accounts where you already have previous activities piled up of awaiting binary points.

Let’s assume you connected your friend “A” to the left side of your business and Friend B on the Right side of your business, Aim Global will pay you a Matching Bonus of the amount attached to the particular package that was encoded from your weak leg which can be your left or your right side depending on where you already have previous awaiting binary points.

The 5 new packages are well explained below.

1) EntriVerse Package ₦79,990

This package costs ₦79,990 to get started with, and it has a Binary of 700 Points & a Stairstep/Unilevel of 3,000 Points.

When you get directly sponsor a new prospect that picks the EntriVerse Package of ₦79,990, you will get a Direct Referral Bonus of ₦20,000

2) NeoVerse Package ₦129,990

This package costs ₦129,990 to get started with, and it has a Binary of 700 Points & a Stairstep/Unilevel of 5,000 Points.

When you get directly sponsor a new prospect that picks the NeoVerse Package of ₦129,990, you will get a Direct Referral Bonus of ₦30,000

There is another combo bonus called the 3/4/5 Promo which means if you can sponsor 3, 4, or 5 persons directly within the space of 1 month, depending on the promo picked by the company for that month.

Once you meet up with any of the 3, 4, or 5 direct sponsors for that month, you will get 20,000 from the company, in addition to whatever you make from your direct referral bonus and matching bonus alongside the Unilevel, Stairstep, UPP & Rebate.

After you have gotten your compulsory 2 first downlines to be directly sponsored by you, your 2 performance privilege SLOTS (PPS) that make up your 3 Accounts will automatically appear once you are about to submit the registration of your 2 new direct sponsors.

3) TechnoVerse Package ₦259,990

This package costs ₦259,990 to get started with, and it has a Binary of 2,100 points & a Stairstep/Unilevel of 9,000 Points.

When you get directly sponsor a new prospect that picks the TechnoVerse Package of ₦259,990, you will get a Direct Referral Bonus of ₦50,000

There is another combo bonus called the 3/4/5 Promo which means if you can sponsor 3, 4, or 5 persons directly within the space of 1 month, depending on the promo picked by the company for that month.

Once you meet up with any of the 3, 4, or 5 direct sponsors for that month, you will get 50,000 from the company, in addition to whatever you make from your direct referral bonus and matching bonus alongside the Unilevel, Stairstep, UPP & Rebate.

After you have gotten your compulsory 2 first downlines to be directly sponsored by you, your performance privilege SLOTS (PPS) that make up your 7 Accounts will automatically appear once you are about to submit the registration of your 2 new direct sponsors.

4) DigiVerse Package ₦499,990

This package costs ₦499,990 to get started with, and it has a Binary of 4,900 points & a Stairstep/Unilevel of 21,000 Points.

When you get directly sponsor a new prospect that picks the DigiVerse Package of ₦499,990, you will get a Direct Referral Bonus of ₦100,000

There is another combo bonus called the 3/4/5 Promo which means you can sponsor 3, 4, or 5 persons directly within the space of 1 month, depending on the promo picked by the company for that month.

Once you meet up with any of the 3, 4, or 5 direct sponsors for that month, you will get ₦120,000 from the company, in addition to whatever you make from your direct referral bonus and matching bonus alongside the Unilevel, Stairstep, UPP & Rebate.

After you have gotten your compulsory 1 downline to be directly sponsored by you, your 14 performance privilege SLOTS (PPS) that make up your 15 Accounts will automatically appear once you are about to submit the registration of your 1 new direct sponsor.

5) MegaVerse Package ₦999,990

This package costs ₦999,990 to get started with, and it has a Binary of 10,500 points & a Stairstep/Unilevel of 45,000 Points.

When you get directly sponsor a new prospect that picks the MegaVerse Package of ₦999,990, you will get a Direct Referral Bonus of ₦150,000

There is another combo bonus called the 3/4/5 Promo which means if you can sponsor 3, 4, or 5 persons directly within the space of 1 month, depending on the promo picked by the company for that month.

Once you meet up with any of the 3, 4, or 5 direct sponsors for that month, you will get ₦300,000 from the company, in addition to whatever you make from your direct referral bonus and matching bonus alongside the Unilevel, Stairstep, UPP & Rebate.

After you have gotten your compulsory 1 downline to be directly sponsored by you, your 30 performance privilege SLOTS (PPS) that make up your 31 Accounts will automatically appear once you are about to submit the registration of your 1 new direct sponsor.

When your friend A, who is on your left wing connects his 2 friends; and your friend B who is on your Right-wing connects his two friends. AIM GLOBAL will pay your Friend A the Matching Bonus attached to the account his or her 2 pairing downlines registered with which depends on the binary point attached to the account the downlines joined with as explained above in the 5 different registration packages categories.

When your friend B, who is on your right wing connects his 2 friends, AIM GLOBAL will pay your Friend B the Matching Bonus attached to the account his or her 2 pairing downlines are registered with which depends on the binary point attached to the account the downlines joined with as explained above in the 5 different registration packages categories.

Your Friends A and B will enjoy their own individual matching bonus from their two downlines each, just as AIM Global paid you a matching bonus when you got the 2 of them on board your left and right wing.

You at this point will earn another residual Matching Bonus. One new person from A’s left side will match with one new person from B’s Right side to pay you another matching bonus depending on the binary point attached to the account the downlines joined with.

The other new person from your A’s Left side will match with the other new person from B’s Right to pay you another matching bonus.

You may not even know those people registered under your team yet but you will be making money from every one of their efforts.

As those people get their own people and more people enter your business which must surely happen, you will keep making money down the generations every day, every week, and every month.

AIM GLOBAL business is simple and profitable. Any 1 person that joins your business on your left side will match with another person that joins your business on your right side to pay you, no matter who introduced them to the business, no matter the generation it happened.

No matter the day and time it happened. Imagine making ₦7,000 to infinity.

Because of the great hybrid system of our company many Nigerians, Ghanaians, Ugandans, Kenyans, Togolese, and Cameroons are joining from all walks of life now as extraordinary millionaires and we get our dreams to come true!!!

You must be passionate about becoming a MILLIONAIRE. Our Investment is a lifetime. You can start by helping people who can be passionate about becoming a millionaire like you. Your daily earnings to your local bank account and payment alert begin as you do business.

What I Have Put In Place To Make This Program Extremely Easy And Amazing For You…

I would help you get referrals but you must register with my Team because I know full well that getting referrals is one of the things that discourages a lot of people from going into Networking marketing.

Therefore, if you don’t know how to get referrals, I’ll do it for you. I have gotten my own two down-lines, so it’s absolutely easy for me to help you get yours too if you don’t know how to do so. Now, you have no excuse not to join this life-changing program.

If you want to link your AIM Global Account with your local bank account (You’ll receive your payments via Access or Ecobank Plc) – contact me as well.

I would guide you on how to go about it. You can call +2348100112980 or Email [email protected].

When your commissions are paid in your AIM Global Account, simply put a call across to me and I would gladly walk you through the process of en-cashing your money to your local Bank Account.

You can see for yourself that I’m genuinely here to help you. Nigeria is in an indefinite recession and the best way to survive this harsh economic condition is to have as many streams of income as possible.

This is one sure way to make money online. And I am more than willing and ready to help you make your first one million nairas in MLM business if you have not done so before now. The choice is now entirely yours to make.

I believe in these two sayings; “The poorest person in this world is not the man without money, but a man without DREAMS”. “A poor man says “To see is to believe”. While a rich man says “Believe and you will see” IMAGINE YOUR DREAMS!

I know you want to have FINANCIAL and TIME FREEDOM in life, my friend. I know you want to become SUCCESSFUL. In order to help, not only our family but also the less fortunate people.


Any amount you earn in AIM Global business will be paid into your ACCESS BANK OR ECO BANK ACCOUNT. If you don’t have an account in ACCESS or ECO Bank, what you will do is start the business, then later you can open the account, and link it up.

Aim Global offers Travel incentives to her partners every year. If you qualify you will have the opportunity to travel to EUROPE, the US, and the PHILIPPINES – all expenses paid.


You can simply ignore this post or say yes to Financial Freedom. The choice is yours. But Don’t Forget One Thing, Passing Over Opportunities Repeatedly (POOR) Makes One Poor. A word is enough for the wise!

Join the Fastest Growing Business Company in Africa! Alliance In Motion Global is going to be a big movement this 2024 and beyond.


Looking forward to creating more millionaires in Nigeria.

Contact Us Today.

WhatsApp: +2348100112980

Email: [email protected]